Saturday, November 14, 2009

Gender equality, pls comment

Gender equality, pls comment!!!?
There are many people who are abuzz , and not least, appalled and outraged by the issue of gender discrimination in Malaysia . Countless rapes, murders, sexual harassment, and brutish perpetrations towards women have been reported in newspapers, television and other media. Not surprisingly, many NGOs and women associations, down to the people themselves, have aired their grouses and anger over this issue. They alleged gender discrimination is the main culprit behind these incidences. Accordingly, women in the country demands the government to do more for women in terms of their socio-economic stature, safety, accessibility to education and work opportunities and their importance in the country’s development. All of these issues culminate into what we call ‘gender equality’ as normally perceived by many of us. But sadly, many failed to see the need of gender equality for men. The welfare of men has been overlooked while the welfare of women is gradually improving in many aspects. They often perceived that only women who needs protection in terms of their right. There are men who also need aid from the government and society in many aspects. I am not saying that it is wrong for women to fight for their right, but do bear in mind that men are also human beings who need to be treated fairly not only by the government but also in the eye of society. The stereotyping towards men need to be changed with an open mind. As I have mentioned earlier, the media often portrays women as the victim of rapes, sexual harassments, job opportunities and other social problems like divorce and depression.But for men there are many issues close to their hearts but due to social stigma of labeling men as ‘strong, independent and in-control). Men are not expected to display their weaknesses, affection and to be independent. In these modern days, even though both men and women work but many still demand men to bear almost all of the family expenses. I know many would say that men should do so because women give birth to the child. But then again, it is only fair if both contribute to the family and not putting the burden wholly on the man. Gender roles like women stays at home while man brings home the bacon should be removed from our mentality. In dates, men are supposed to pay for everything even though both men and women should equally contribute to a relationship. The mentality that men are not required to take care of the children and is solely a women responsibility should also be excluded from our minds. Men ought to share ‘supposedly’ their wives’ responsibility like caring and nurturing for their children, cooking and other house chores. These shouldn’t be seen as demeaning towards men as these are pivotal roles in a family institution. Women should not be forced to stay at home to take care of kids themselves but rather both men and women should be given chance to work. Due to stereotyping and high expectation of the society towards men, men also do suffer in silence from depression but many are not willing to voice out their feelings due to social stigma which makes them feel inferior. This actually does impart a significant psychological influences towards men. For example most daycare centers prefer females than males as staff due to the thinking that sexual abuse may occur, but males themselves are also attributed for the low preference for daycare center jobs as they feel that it is emasculating and sissy. The same applies to male nurses where in general they are not accorded due attention. Ironically, female are making strides in the male-dominated fields in the past namely engineering, architecture and IT. So it is truly possible for a man to do a woman’s job if a woman can perform a man’s job. Jobs nowadays shouldn’t be gender typed. Men in general should be more open-minded, in this instance, they should not have the conception that they need to keep feelings to themselves and suffer in silence. Feelings and emotion are things that make us human. Men do become victim of sexual abuse and harassment too, just that men and society alike do not heard of it as much because these issues were hidden by the victims. I came across a US national website specifically addressing the problems of sexual abuse and provides education, research and therapy for male sexual abuse victims. This actually enlightens me that, at least, in the world there are people who really took men issues close to their heart. Bravo to them! Through this website, they taught me never to stereotype men when it comes to sexual harassment. They demystify conceptions by stating that boys and men can be victims of sexual abuse too. And disgusting conceptions such as men would enjoy sexual abuse from females as they experience arousal were also debunked. According to this website, arousal could be triggered by any traumatic or painful sexual circumstances. I think people should take time to browse this website: http
Other - Cultures & Groups - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Oh jeez.
2 :
3 :
when the time is right good things shall happen.
4 :
whoaaa, whoa. men and women r equal, end of story
5 :
I agree completely. I read this website blog about 'if a boy has an ******** during sexual abuse, it's not considered bad, it's called sex. But if a GIRL is sexually abused, it's called rape. So if it's going to be fair by that means, then if a girl has a wet ****** during sexual abuse, it's not called rape anymore" There are hundreds of thousands of sexual abused boys, a lot by women, and if it is reported, it is a disgrace to the boys masculinity. It makes me so mad.

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