Sunday, February 28, 2010

Should I go to malaysia

Should I go to malaysia?
I was planning to go to Malaysia after finishing my nursing course for a couple months to visit family and go to a family wedding. However, now due to NHS crisis, should I look for a job immediately after finishing my course?
Careers & Employment - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Travel is a very important component to a cultural person. I would go if you have the means, it will enlighten and expand your point of view.
2 :
Go! you deserve it. Have the break and come back refreshed, I wish that I was going with you, I have stopped in the Rassa Siang, Penang, now a distant memory. Go fore it!
3 :
Look for a job get the place and then go for a couple of months, don't let them know until the last possible moment your plans.
4 :
Malaysia, sound far. Are your from Malaysia? Where are your writing from? I would think of a tropical island in the Caribbean. Many great places, and great packages. Go to your travel agent for help. My girlfriends and I went to Punta Cana and Casa de Campo in Dominican Republic and we had a great time, cant wait to go back.
5 :
Get a job in nursing and forget your trip. The NHS has a career structure and you need to get on the bottom of that ladder now. Maybe, later you can take time off to visit Malaysia. Besides, we need to get rid of the bad nurses and administrators and keep the good staff. So if you're good and dedicated stay! Otherwise - pack your bags - why did we train you in the first place?
6 :
In the nursing field ,getting the job is probably not the problem.Istablishing your self here before you go back home could take some pressure off.GOOD LUCK,

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