Friday, May 28, 2010

I am currently taking STPM (high school) in Malaysia

I am currently taking STPM (high school) in Malaysia.?
I would like to choose nursing as one of my ambition because only with nursing degree , i could settle in USA. But i feel it is such a waste to study hard just to take nursing and furthermore STPM is a very quality and tough exam , I feel its such a waste take up this course. Any suggestions?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
You should pursue a career of your interest. if nursing is your interest, then you can consider it as a career choice. personally i don't think it wise to choose a career based on your migration-asiprations, as this can change over time. eg. what makes you think that when you graduate with a bursing qualification that US will still have shortage of nurses that it needs to employ foreign nurses? And even if you manage to get to the US and be a nurse, can you predict that when you are in your in your mid-30s or 40s that you will not want to go back to Malaysia? And what then? Will you want to be a nurse in malaysia?

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