Monday, June 7, 2010

Why are rich Asian countries not expected to be politically correct

Why are rich Asian countries not expected to be politically correct?
The UK, US, France, Sweden, the Netherlands, etc, are all absolutely full of immigrants, and in the case of the UK and the Netherlands completely over-populated. To suggest that immigration needs to be more controlled leaves you open to all sorts of accusations of being a racist or a bigot in rich white countries. On the other hand, rich Asian countries like Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan and perhaps Malaysia have notoriously tough immigration policies, it's nowhere as easy to immigrate to those countries as it is rich white countries. The governments only want highly educated, already wealthy immigrants. You get absolutely no hand-outs in those countries and to get citizenship is ridiculously difficult, in the case of Japan in most cases you have to be part Japanese to stand a chance. Japan takes a few low-paid Filipino nurses but they almost always go home after a few years when their visa runs out, they never get permanent residence. Yet no one calls these countries racist or bigoted for this? If rich white countries treated immigrants like this we'd be called racist and selfish, yet the world leaves these countries free to treat people how they like. In those countries you can't be considered a part of that country unless you are racially from that country, in the West that is considered an extremely racist attitude. The Japanese and Chinese were colonialists too so don't pull that crap.
Other - Cultures & Groups - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i dont think some people even know what the word racist means
2 :
Because political correctness is a very American syndrome, like the McCarthy Inquisition and so forth. Racism has nothing to do with immigration. Unqualified workers do not contribute in an industrialized nation like a skilled worker does, instead has a tendency of ending up as a burden on society. That's why.
3 :
There are 33 people per square km in U.S. And there are 6361 people per square km in HongKong. Which should be called "over-populated" ?
4 :
Because Hong Kong, Japan and Taiwan already have natives. The Cantonese, Japanese and Chinese/Taiwanese people already inhabit those countries. Europe could impose tough immigration policies, but because they had colonized almost the entire world, they are forced to open their borders to people who immigrate from their former colonies to Europe. So countries like the UK and France who had colonies in America, Africa and Asia have a moral obligation to allow people from these countries to reside in the UK and France. It's their fault for colonizing the entire world, now it's their responsibility to cater for foreigners who used to live in their colonies. The only real natives of the US are American Indians. Everybody else is a foreigner. The US therefore has an obligation to allow immigrants, because unless you're an American Indian, you are technically a foreigner. The US does not belong to white people. They can't just shut off the continent from people of other races. The same applies to Australia, New Zealand and Canada. ------------------------------ Yes, Japan and China were colonists but did they colonize Africa? South America? Europe? When Japan occupied the Philippines in WWII, hundreds of thousands of Filipinos flocked to Japan and there is a substantial population of Filipinos in Japan to this day The Muslim state of Xinjiang and the Buddhist state of Tibet belong to China, as a result, the Chinese also have millions of Muslims and Tibetans in their country. Japan and China are not as homogenous as you think they are. Furthermore, Europe colonized North America, South America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Therefore you would expect much much more multiculturalism in Europe compared to Japan or China Here's a perfect example for you How many African countries speak Chinese or Japanese? None. How many African countries speak French, English, Portuguese, Spanish? A lot. Where will many of these Africans therefore immigrate to if they wanted to leave Africa? France, UK, Portugal, Spain etc etc That's the price Europe paid for colonizing
5 :
Those countries still have a sense of ethnic loyalty to themselves. They want to preserve their national culture and ethnic heritage much like the U.S.A. did before the disastrous 1965 Immigration Reform Bill. Also it helps that their governments are not filled with elements that don't consider themselves Japanese but rather a distinct ethnic group that would feel safer living in a multicultural Japan, China, Singapore, etc. Thus they can resist multicultural American propaganda.

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