Friday, October 1, 2010

My mom's family

My mom's family...?
My mom just found out that my grandpa has Alzheimer's disease. My uncle has known for 6 months, yet didn't tell anyone and let my grandparents go back to malaysia from Oregon. My grandparents have 5 kids. Not one of those 5 kids except for my mom has showed interest in taking care of them, but we are moving so it would be almost impossible.. My mother nad sister are the only ones who care. They have a bad relationship with the other brother and sister, and one of the brother's has lost contact with the family. They don't want to send my grandfather to a nursing home. And be reminded my grandpa lives in Malaysia(asia, close to india). What can we do to help?
Family - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
move to malaysia, or get him back here!
2 :
my grandma has alzheimers and i know its hard. the bestyou can do is help him get his will in order. i really hate to tell you this but probably the best thing for you to do is put him in asisted living when he starts going downhill. theres a difference in assisted living because there you can walk around on you own and youre pretty much alone except they help you get dressed if needed and come get you for dinner that kind of stuff. im sorry i couldnt help you out more. good luck!
3 :
not to scare you but my grandma died from that. alzheimers can be very dangerous. they usually get violent because they dont know who you are and they are trying to protect themselves and they get angry becaus they cant remember so they once again get dangerous. they will stop eating forget and burn down the house the best thing to do is put him in a nursing home sorry
4 :
You guys should book a plane flight to get him to your house. It would be cruel to leave him sick in a nursing home and you guys 1/2 way across the world. So You guys can sent someone over there and let them pick him up. And he should move in with you guys. Im sure your uncle had a good reason that he didnt want to tell you guys. Maybe he didnt want to stress the family out. It's very hard to find out that a beloved family member is sick. So you cant really blame him. I understand that your mother is the only one who shows interest. Maybe try to get the family together for a gathering. ANd you guys can talk about what you can do to help him. Well the ones that you can reach... Good Luck!

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